Why do we do this to ourselves? We think its a fab idea to give our darling babies a dummy, comforts them when they're new into the world, helps them self sooth and gives mama and dada a tiny break in the newness of parenthood. It's all plain sailing until they wake up every hour because they can't find it to put it in their mouth, or when you're out shopping and forget to pack the bleeding thing!! It was such a big decision to give Isaac a dummy when he was first born and it wasn't until he was 2 weeks that we gave in. At 4 months old, we reduced his dummy to night times which worked really well and helped him sleep better at night because he associated the plug with sleep. This was one less transition to worry about when we did decide to do away with the dummy all together. You read all sorts on the impact a dummy can have and as parents we want the best for our children so anything we can do to enhance or reduce something we will do in a heartbeat. Bu...
To blog or not to blog, that is the question.